
Evolution of Residential Highway Design in South-East England

I include slides and notes from a presentation I gave to the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) South East England branch and the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) South Eastern branch at the Marriott Hotel Gatwick on 1st December 2011

I have been interested in residential highway design since I started working as a draughtsman in the late 1980s. Since then there have been many changes in the design and appearance of residential highways, and I was interested to find out what drove these changes, and changes going back over a longer period

The secondary title to the presentation is "Lessons Learnt From the Past and New Challenges for the Future". I believe that learning from past mistakes will help us design better residential highways in the future

Evolution of Residential Highway Design in South-East England


The presentation is divided into four sections

Background where I cover some common definitions and terms, and I also consider what factors can affect residential highway design

Pre-Car Era looking at how residential highways evolved before widespread car ownership

Modern Era looking at how widespread car ownership affected residential highway design

The Future where I consider what might happen in the future

There's also a few Conclusions and suggested Further Reading if you want to find out more about this topic

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